Why it’s Important To Buy Quality Vegetable Juicer
When shopping for a vegetable juicer you will come across a wide variety of designs, varying in both quality and price. And although a less expensive vegetable juicer model may represent a more affordable investment to you, a superior quality model will allow you to extract more juice from your vegetables, saving money in the long-term.
While low quality vegetable juicer models use rough extraction and high speeds to produce juice, high quality models operate via a masticating or cold press method providing a superior juice. They operate at lower speeds and slowly compress vegetables to squeeze out the juice. Although these models are more costly, their slower and better extraction rates produce a higher-quality juice and also more of it.
Features you should consider when selecting the right model for your needs include:
- Ability to easily juice all vegetables, greens, herbs and grasses;
- Cold pressed, for a superior juice;
- Low speed to reduce oxidation and produce a long lasting juice;
- Low noise;
- Easy to clean.
All these features will lead you to a high quality juicer model such as a vertical cold-pressed masticating juicer, the most superior type of juicer.
Benefits you will be able to experience with a high quality vegetable juicer are:
- Higher juice yield;
- Long lasting juice able to be kept for up to 72 hours;
- Enzymes and nutrients preserved;
- Minimal juice separation and foaming;
- Some models offer extra functions like being able to make sorbet, pasta, ice cream, etc.
- Pressing action is silent.
If you are planning to take juicing seriously and are looking to further boost your health, consuming the highest quality, nutrient dense juices should be your priority. And since only high quality vegetable juicer models are able to produce a superior tasting juice with minimal foam and separation while retaining all the beneficial enzymes and nutrients, they should definitely be taken into consideration.
There are many manufacturers that offer high quality vegetable juicer models with sleek designs. You can search the popular brands online or look for a retailer that sells them all. By comparing their features and prices, you will sure find the right one for your needs. One thing to keep in mind, go for quality and not the price.