Kick Your Workout Into High Gear: Importance of Clothing and Supplementation

Dear ladies, how many Mondays have been and gone since you said ‘I’ll start next week’? I bet you don’t even believe yourself when you say this anymore. So stop it right there. Who are you fooling? Nobody actually cares. It’s YOU that you should be doing this for. So do yourself a favor and do what you got to do to finally kickstart the season in full power. Hey it’s spring and I’m pretty sure you want to look good in your swimsuit, not having to hide under baggy t-shirts and find dumb excuses to skip the bikini part. I know I do. So give up the excuses, time for a fresh start. And no worries, you don’t have to be great to start, but you DO need to start somewhere to make the best version of yourself. Destination? The gym.protein powder whey

Besides the huge health benefits you’ll get from exercising and the skyrocketing level of self confidence, there’s actually more to working out. A woman with a nice and fit physique is much more than a hot body – it shows that she is dedicated, disciplined, patient, passionate, has great discipline and work-ethics. And that is one fierce hell of a woman.

I gathered some guidelines to help you on your journey to making the most out of your physique. Hope you’ll find the inspiration to make your time at the gym more exciting and you’ll get so hooked up on the post-workout feeling that you will look forward to your next workout session. Ah, the burn.

The workout gear – look good, feel good

The days of working out in an old rugged t-shirt and shorts are luckily long gone and far behind. Today the fitness geeks have gone crazy after the latest trend in sports clothing – compression wear which has proven to be quite beneficial in more than one way. And yes, since us women love looking our best, trendy and functional workout clothing can have a huge impact on your motivation. Look good, feel good. Find your sports bra size, find cute patterned leggings, a dry fit t-shirt and suitable footwear, and you’re all almost all set to conquer yourself. Keyword: almost. Read on to see why.

Supplements – your ally to a better physique

I got news for you girls – drinking protein powder whey shakes and lifting weights won’t make you look huge; eating cupcakes will. Protein is the basic supplement you will need once you make hitting the gym a routine. Your body needs enough protein to maintain, repair and build muscle, so if you deprive it of it or just assume on your own that you eat enough foods that contain it, you’ll most likely enter a catabolic state – one where you start losing muscle. And no, you don’t want that. You should divide your protein powder whey intake through the day over the course of 5-6 meals. Besides that, there are some crucial times when you need to consume it – first thing in the morning together with carbohydrates (because you haven’t eaten for about 6-12 hours so your body is in a catabolic state), and right after working out to help repair your muscles faster and help build new ones. Drink up and power up!

And before you head to the gym, crank up the tunes! Arm your phone with songs that are energizing and will lift you up. That way you won’t feel intimidated and won’t even notice the people around (on days when you really don’t want to) and will just do your thing. Music on, world off! Also, know your fitness goal and do your best to stick to your workout plan. Be your own motivator and push yourself to become the best version of yourself. You’re already on your way, so kudos! You didn’t come this far to only go this far. Make yourself proud!
