How Important Is Perfume For Men

Have you ever wondered if men who wear perfumes appear more sexy to women? According to a survey made in Australia, women are dazed by passing men who wear any kind of perfume or a cologne even if they are not that good looking. It sort of creates and image in woman’s mind that a guy is more organized and takes care of his looks. On the other hand, the survey also showed that a small number of women think that men who wear perfume may be gay. This classic stereotype isn’t at all true because men have worn perfumes way before homosexuality stopped being a taboo topic. So generally speaking, wearing a perfume can only benefit man’s love life and will surely get noticed by women.


Like we mentioned, men who wear perfume are usually more organized and care about their looks. This doesn’t apply to all men because we all have at least one perfume at home that we received as a gift. Men who really know how to wear a perfume, think carefully before they make a purchase. Because, just like women, men also have a wide range of different brands to choose from. Moreover, many brands have at least several editions of the same fragrance. For instance Marc Jacobs perfume for men holds several fragrances that renew their scent almost every year. For so called ”meterosexuals” this is more of a thrill than a problem because these men like to go shopping for perfumes as much as women do. To get back to our point, men who choose their perfumes wisely shows they’ll be even more organized when it comes to buying something more valuable.

Women have stated that men who wear perfume are more appealing and memorable because every time a woman smells that scent, she instantly think of a person who wore it. But don’t buy the first perfume you see to impress a woman. The perfume market is full with bad imitations and copies of popular brands like DKNY perfume, Escada perfume and Moschino perfume. These false products are nothing like the original, not in terms of scent nor in terms of strength. You can put perfume on before you go out and half an hour later notice that the smell has evaporated.


Overall, it is always better to even wear a fake copy of your favorite perfume than to smell of sweat. If you don’t really have the time to shop for favorite perfume, know that many retails have online shopping options so you can have your perfume ordered in seconds.